Grant Writing Services in Australia

Within Australia, there is a myriad of opportunities to apply for grants.  To become the recipient, your organisation must demonstrate that you have conducted the proper research and have devised a solid plan. Whether in the not-for-profit, education or business space, grant writing requires specific skills and a team with the expertise to get the grant proposal done right. Within your bid, you will need to paint a picture and vision and articulate exactly why you are asking for funding and how this money will support your vision.

Successful grant writing is an art and should be approached with a style that will inspire and convince the funders that your vision will make an exciting impact. Not only do you need to land your vision when you are writing your grant proposal, but you will need the funder to know without a doubt that you are the best organisation or person for the job. One of the key benefits of partnering with an experienced team for your grant writing needs is that we have a clear idea of everything the proposal should consider, including but not limited to elements like; the overall vision, the funder and audience, and all related requirements which can be pretty specific.

Let us act as your trusted coach and advisors as your draft your proposal to ensure the process is as smooth as possible for you and your team. We have the expertise to structure a strategy for you that will deliver the following critical parts of grant writing:

• A well-crafted plan that is realistic, timebound, and that has a robust set of deliverables. This plant will describe why your organisation believes you are the best recipient and how you or your team will achieve the best results.

• Strong research and reasoning about how your organisation’s missions align with the granting organisation.

• A thorough review of the proposal’s requirements.

• Help with collating the financials and relevant supporting documents.

A professional grant writing service such as Win Any Tender can have the ability to prepare a well-packaged submission that could make all the difference. Here are some of the biggest challenges that one faces with grant writing in the Not-for-profit space, all of which we can assist with:

• Communication with the prospective funder. Having a dedicated and well-versed team to handle the frequent communication during the application and grant writing period. Failure to communicate well can affect the working relationship between the recipient and the funder.

• Technical expertise in navigating online submissions. Gone are the days of printing and posting your proposals. 

• Having the actual knowledge to write and structure a professional grant proposal. As discussed in the earlier points, there are multiple stumbling blocks to grant writing, whether for a school grant or another.

If you are looking for an experienced and energised team to assist you with your grant writing needs, call us at +61 404 165 016 or email us at We would love to hear about your needs and how we can assist your organisation.